Find out how to revitalize winter gardens with the Lasagna Method. BioAct® SD Starter turns kitchen waste into rich soil for a vibrant spring garden.

 Making food waste compost for garden plants in winter

Explore this game-changing solution when you create garden compost using the Lasagna Method. Even in the cold, you can turn kitchen waste into soil for your plants. Learn the ins and outs of this technique and harness the benefits of BioAct® SD for accelerated composting.

 Step-by-Step Winter Composting Guide:

Compost on your lawn in winter

Step 1: Timing is Key

Start your winter composting in late fall or winter when the lawn is dormant, eliminating the need for mowing.

Step 2: Foundation with Cardboard or Newspaper

Lay a foundation of sheets of cardboard or newspaper to smother sod and weeds. Ensure a seamless cover by overlapping sections.

Step 3: Keep it Moist

Wet down the cardboard or newspaper to secure it in place.

Step 4: Green Layer Introduction

Next comes the first green layer. This layer should be 2-3-inches deep, containing kitchen scraps and garden waste. This green layer breaks down quickly and releases lots of moisture as it decomposes.

 Using kitchen scraps and garden waste for composting

Step 5: Brown Layer Balance

Add a 4–6-inch brown layer, maintaining a balanced 2:1 ratio with the green layer. You need to add dry materials like coffee grounds, dead leaves, and straw need to soak up the moisture released from the green layers and provide structure to the mixture.

Use coffee grounds, dead leaves, and straw for composting

Step 6: Layering Mastery

Alternate green and brown layers until your Lasagna Garden reaches an optimal depth of 6-12 inches. Expect some shrinkage during the decomposition process.

A gardener confirms the quality of garden compost

Pro Tip: BioAct® SD for Turbocharged Composting

When started in fall and winter, the Lasagna Method allows for gradual decomposition. BioAct® SD, a compost starter, boasts a diverse microorganism population, accelerating the cycle two to three times. What could take up to six months now breaks down in just two to three months.

Application Rates:

A 4-foot wide by 10-foot-long garden bed with 12 inches of compost will be 40 cubic feet of compost. Mix 4 oz of BioAct SD / per gallon of water and spray your 1st and second green layers before you top each one with your brown layer. This will treat the 40 cu. Ft of compost that you are creating on the 4’ X 10” garden bed.

Adding ¼ of a tsp of HUMAX to the 1 gallon of BioAct SD solution will stimulate the activities of soil microorganisms.

Once applied, there's no need for reapplication until starting a new garden bed with the Lasagna composting method.

A gardener shows off the results of garden composting

Unlock the secrets of winter composting and set the stage for a bountiful spring garden with the Lasagna Method.

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